This reality-documentary follows 4 friends from Victoria, BC (Duncan, Ben, Dave, and Jonnie) as they travel across North America in a big purple bus. The purpose of their adventure? Knock off every item of their list of "100 things to do before you die". The items vary from silly things to more serious enterprises, and while some are fairly easy, some are super hard to achieve. For every item on their list they accomplish, the boys help a stranger achieve one of their dreams. Amazing concept, amazing show.
Every episode is an action-packed 21 minutes. Everytime I finished watching one, all I wanted to do is get up, go, and conquer the world. For real.
If you want to check it out, you can download the torrents here . Alternatively, I think you can watch it from MTV Canada's website. If it's any incentive... The item they try to achieve in episode #1 is "Party at the Playboy Mansion". Easy.. right? ;)
After having been so captivated and inspired by this show, I started thinking... What do I want to do before I die? And since I'm a firm believer that having a to-do list (whether it be for a day at the office, a day off, a year abroad,etc) greatly increases the chances that we'll actually get shit done, I went ahead and started working on my own list. It is not complete, but I'm happy with what I got so far.
The exercise is actually quite fun and I spent a few hours with a big smile on my face dreaming up these ideas... And really trying to let me mind free of any limitation. I keep saying it (and this show serves as an unbelievable example of this), if you REALLY want to do something, and you can dream it up, there's a way to make it happen. It might mean coming up with creative ideas, getting help from others, working hard, and taking a few risk, but it's possible. And that's all that matters.
I invite you to start working on your own list... And if you need a few ideas, here's my own list so far.
1. Marry the woman I love
2. Have children and watch them grow up and live a happy, fulfilled life
3. Climb a mountain of more than 6000m
4. Surf in Bali
5. Go to an NFL game
6. Go to a NCAA football game at the University of Alabama (Roll Tide Roll!)
7. Do a road trip across the Southern United States
8. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
9. Go to the Carnivale in Rio de Janeiro
10. Help someone achieve their own dream
11. Start and run a successful company that will have a positive impact on the world
12. Live one year in Europe
13. Live one year in Australia
14. Live one year in South America
15. Live one year in California
16. Live 6 months in Asia
17. Live 6 months in Hawaii
18. Go back to Ibiza
19. Go to KaZantip
20. Be in Montreal when the Canadiens win the Stanley Cup
21. Write a book and be published
22. Learn to speak Spanish fluently
23. Make a speech that will inspire people
24. Start a project that will contribute to people living a more healthy lifestyle
25. Do a meditation retreat in a Buddhist monastery in Tibet
26. Find my spiritual mentor
27. Go to the soccer World Cup
28. Donate blood every year
29. Give something amazing to my parents to thank them for everything they've done
30. Spend a week at sea
31. Spend a week in a forest
32. Grow something and cook it
33. Have sex on a beach
34. Spend one day in silence
35. Do a tour of Europe on my bicycle
36. Open my own sports bar
37. Live with “indigenous” people for a month
38. Go Heli-Skiing
39. Scuba dive with whales sharks
40. Scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef
41. Volunteer abroad for a month
42. Learn to sail
43. Raft down the Amazon river
44. Participate in Burning Man
45. Go to a major electronic music festival in Europe
46. Go to Oktoberfest in Germany
47. Go to a futbol game in South America
48. See Tiesto perform live
49. Visit more than 100 countries
50. Compete in a Muay Thai fight in Thailand
51. Compete in a jiu-jitsu competition in Brazil
52. Throw a party that people will remember for the rest of their life
53. Produce my own red wine
54. Jump off a 20m cliff
55. Become President of the Montreal Canadiens
56. Invent something
57. Start a foundation
58. Party like a rockstar in South Beach
59. Achieve some of the items on this list with my children
60. Achieve some of the items on this list with my grand-children
61.Turn 100 years old, still be healthy and have adventurous mind
60. Achieve some of the items on this list with my grand-children
61.Turn 100 years old, still be healthy and have adventurous mind
To be continued...
So, what do YOU want to do before you die?
candiens and the cup, NOT HAPPENING
ReplyDeleteHey mate, you didn't have the balls to put your name up... So I'll just go ahead and hazard a guess that you're a Leafs fan.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm right, I hope you're enjoying bashing on other people's dreams. Your aspirations are clearly going to be destroyed by your shitty-ass team over the next few years. Happy misery, sucker.
Sex on the beach not check yet ? lol
ReplyDeletecheck that one and carnival off in the same night... it's what I did haha ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm kinda glad to realize that I did or will check 4 items or your list!
ReplyDeleteLive one year in Europe - TO BE CHECK BY THE END OF THIS YEAR
Spend a week in the forest- CHECK
Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef-CHECK
Well, maybe I'm not doing too bad with my young life actually :P
I'll hit u back with mine soon !
Awesome post, Phil.
ReplyDeleteMiss you!
P.S. Don't be hating on the leafs cause Phaneuf is going to....oh, never mind
Awesome! Such an inspiration to take the world head on and live your dreams. It's so easy to get stuck in a routine and let life pass you by.
ReplyDeleteHope all of those come true! Live it up Phil!
xx Jess