Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The 2 most important questions in the Universe

Catchy title isn't? Well, there is no false advertising on this blog, so I will indeed share these 2 precious pearls of wisdom with you. But before I do so, allow me to give the 2 questions the introduction they deserve.

I strongly believe that there is (at least) one major problem with today's Western world mentality. Everyday we are trying to do more, share more information, be more connected. This whirlwind of activities, stimulation and information may be entertaining, but it also prevents us from doing many useful things. One of them is: taking time to reflect on the path we're taking through life.

If you're working long hours, pleasing your boss, and building good connections... You must be on the fast-track to success, right? Perhaps so. Perhaps not.

You're most probably on the fast-track to somewhere. But to success? Not necessarily. You might be headed in the wrong direction at full speed. And that's a dangerous proposition.

You'll move up the ladder and become more "important", but ultimately if you don't enjoy the place where you spend most of your day, you're not really "successful". You might have power and money, but you won't have true success. At least not in my book.

That's why I believe that it is critical to take a step back. Pause for a minute. And take a good hard look at the direction we're headed to. Are we headed nowhere fast? Or are we methodically making our way towards our goals and aspirations.

Our academic system does a fairly good job at teaching us how to learn, how to think critically... But it thoroughly lacks in the department of helping us figure out what we really want to do with our lives. As a result,  most of us go by trial and error...And unfortunately this process eventually leads many people to give up searching for their true calling and settle for an unexceptional life.

But this can be avoided. It's not going to happen overnight, and it's going to require some soul-searching. And possibly a certain degree of risk. But it'll all be worth it in the end.

All right so... what are the 2 most important questions in the Universe?

The first one is, "What do you want to get out of your life?".

The second one is, "How can you help others in a way that no one else can?".

Simple enough, but not necessarily easy to answer. I don't claim to have life all figured out (far from it!) but I'm fairly certain that finding the answers to these 2 questions is a quantum leap in the direction of true success and true happiness.

I consider myself very fortunate that through my experience in Australia I have been able to find my 2 answers. I don't think moving away from home is absolutely necessary to find our true self, but it sure as hell helps. There's just something about being in a new environment, surrounded by new people, that forces introspection and leads to better self-knowledge.

I'm currently reading an absolutely incredible book called "The Art of Non-Conformity: Set your own rules, Live the life you want, and Change the world". The book's premise is to show the reader that it's possible to step out of the mold, and to live the life that we dream about. We don't have the live a conventional life, we don't have to live the life that others want for us.

Our life is a journey and we have the power to shape it the way that makes us truly happy.

I would say so far it is one of the most influential books I have ever come across, and I definitely recommend it to anyone. It can be purchased here: I have to warn you though. This is a powerful book that will make you re-evaluate the way you live your life. But it will also inspire you to something better, something more meaningful.

*Edit* You can also download the condensed version of the book for free here:

Enjoy the ride.

Until next time,



  1. I think this might be the first post without a reference to Mr Gareth Emery! :P I put this book on my list. Cheers!

  2. Cheers brotha! Ouais en ce bel après-midi ensoleillé j'étais dans un beat un peu plus relax donc j'ai laissé le trance de côté pour une fois.

    Let me know what you think about the book!
